Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Acorn Self Storage located?

2 locations in Coffeyville to serve you better:
1802 South Walnut, Coffeyville, KS 67337.
1910 Woodland Ave, Coffeyville KS 67337.
When can I access my storage unit?

Access your storage unit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week whenever you please.

Are you near any colleges or universities?

We’re a few minutes away from Coffeyville Community College.
Are your units drive-up accessible?

They are. Drive right up to your storage unit and start loading and unloading.

How do I find out about storage unit auctions?

Our storage unit auctions can be found on our facebook page. Click here : Acorn Self Storage | Facebook
How do I get inside of the facility?

Use a four digit passcode to get inside the gate. Once you rent a unit you’ll be given a code to unlock the gate.
What types of vehicle parking do you offer?

We offer uncovered parking spaces. For extra protection, purchase a cover.
What vehicles am I able to store?

Store your RV, car, boat, truck, trailer or any other vehicle that you can’t find a place to store anywhere else.
How do I get started?

Reserve a unit or parking space by calling us at your convenience.